Jai Singh for East Thanet


We are proud to annouce our candidate for the 2024 general election seat of East Thanet - Jai Singh

Read about Jai's priorities for Thanet.

Download his campaign leaflet here.

You can also hear Jai's thoughts on Facebook.

Read Isle of Thanet profile on Jai here.

Contact Jai directly on jaipsingh1102@gmail.com

Jai Singh

Our candidate with empathy and lived experience, who from a Unified Centrist Position, will repair Thanet's long standing social and economic issues.

All About Jai

Jai has over 30 years’ business experience in helping small and mid-sized UK companies grow, advising them globally, not just while working for an international bank for a decade but, over the last 20 years, also in small advisory companies (including his own), to service clients strategically. Jai operated with limited budgets and resource constraints.

He financed his education at the University of Pennsylvania with debt and scholarship, which he paid back over 10 years. As a married man, having raised two children, who are now in British universities, he understands the pains and challenges of parents in East Thanet trying to create a future for themselves and their children under tremendous budgetary constraints, disorganised local planning, and a cost-of-living crisis thrust upon them because of poorly managed foreign and energy policies.

He witnessed the impact of Covid policy first hand, having to care for his mother, who was abroad, while not being able to travel to see her.

It is this lived experience of Jai, his previous jobs, and business-friendly agenda, that he would bring to East Thanet as its MP.

UK Lib Dem news

Ed and his son John

Ed's story

Caring isn't just Ed's story, it's the story of millions, caring for each other, dealing with tough times, and keeping going with love.

5 Jun 2024

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